10 Years of FeelGood: Gabi's "FeelGood" Story

Ramsgate Leisure Centre's FeelGood Factory celebrated its 10th Anniversary this week (11 July)! 

Our Your Spa Supervisor Gabi told us her FeelGood story as part of the festivities...

"I came to the FeelGood Factory 7 years ago on the recommendation of my physio. I was in my early 50s and had gained a lot of weight being menopausal, so much so that I had a walking stick. At that point I had an undiagnosed rare bone disease and unbeknown to me the weight gain was extremely harmful to my skeletal structure hence the walking sick. Prior to my becoming menopausal I was actively involved in the 1950s dance scene, and would often go dancing 7 nights a week. I also assisted at local dance classes and enjoyed teaching, so, you can imagine the effect the weight gain and pain had on my life and social life. It was nothing to do with overeating my food intake was the same as it always had been.
My brilliant physio suggested that I should join a weight loss group which I did and I learned that I was not eating enough of the right foods for my ageing body. He also suggested that I look at light exercise to get my painful joints moving gently. I came to Your Leisure and, after a trial and a very friendly chat, I signed up.

"It’s probably the best thing I could ever have done for myself.

"The staff at the FEelGood Factory were so supportive and I enjoyed the social aspect of the toning group. So, in my first 6 months I lost a stone in weight and combined with the weight loss group within a further 8 months I lost a total of 6.5 stone! I have just turned 60, I am back out there in the dance scene loving life and it all happened because of the support and encouragement of the FeelGood Team!

"I am so grateful every day, there is nothing as precious as wellbeing and good health. The menopause is a big deal and we are finally getting the recognition we deserve as women coping with a natural but very difficult and painful scenario for some. It affects us all differently but there is real help and support here. 5 years ago I joined the spa team at Your Leisure and now work as a holistic therapist, I guess it’s my way of giving back. Happy Birthday, FeelGood, you’ve given me my life back!"

To discover the magic of the FeelGood Factory yourself, visit our website ONLINE HERE



Spa Therapist

Spa Therapist