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Easily check times, book activity sessions, book FeelGood Factory, save favourites, manage bookings, make payments all in the upgraded Live Better app. Skip the website & get straight to Living better! Available for iOS and Android from your App and Play store.

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App user information...
The FIRST time using the Live Better app, you will need to log in using your registered email address and password you set on your online account. If you have not done this already, you can CLICK HERE to reset your password. You will enter your email address and receive an email with a link (link is live for 10 minutes) to set up a password. Once you have done this, you can login to the app.
NB: Please ensure when re-setting your password that there are no capital letters within or extra spaces at the end of your email address as the system is case sensitive and you may find the following error message "invalid email". For help with the app, please speak to a member of the team at the centres or contact us.
The Live Better app is available for iOS and Android from your app and Play stores search or click the button below for links.
The Live Better app will not work for iPhone 5C models and older due to iOS software support. Requires iOS 15 and above to operate.