TrUSt in US!
As a Charitable Trust, every penny we make goes back into services and facilities to support the communities we serve. Why do we do this? This video says it all!
Charitable Trusts come in all shapes and sizes. But they all have two things in common. To do good and make things better. We are no different. We help make your community better because as a charitable organisation we are set up to do good. Every penny goes back into local facilities and to create new programmes communities want and need.
This cross-subsidy approach distinguishes the Charitable Trust model from other public leisure services because profit generating activities subsidise non-profit generating activities such as health, library and outreach programmes. There are 100 PLUS Charitable Trusts in England, Wales, and Scotland and with a combined turnover of £2 billion* a year - that’s a lot of money going back into the local economy. This model also enables income from users who can afford to pay to be ring-fenced to subsidise access to activities.
We don’t have shareholders and we are a NOT private business. We work in partnership with the local council, we listen to communities, we are transparent. Each Charitable Trust delivers slightly different programmes which reflect the need within the community.
All of the 100 plus Trusts across England, Wales and Scotland share a passion to improve social, mental and physical wellbeing the difference we make together is remarkable. Improving people’s health & wellbeing means reducing the cost of treatment and care later in life. It can help reduce crime and improve educational outcomes, as well as increasing personal happiness. That carries a social value of £1.5 BILLION.
And it’s not just councils we partner with. Partnership working is part of the DNA of Charitable Trusts. We work with health partners, social care partners and other third sector organisations and charities.
To ensure communities have a voice in what we do, our board is made up of members from the local community.
Your Leisure Kent Limited is a Registered Society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 with charitable status. Registration number: 28889R
We are also a member of Community Leisure and only organisations who conform to good principles of operation and governance achieve this accreditation.

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