Your Leisure Kent Limited

Terms and Conditions for the Hire of Chalets located along the Thanet Foreshore (“Terms and Conditions of Hire”)

Version 2 Updated 8 July 2024

1. General

1.1 Your Leisure Kent Limited permits the hirer to occupy the chalets pursuant to these terms and conditions in common with Your Leisure Kent Limited.

1.2 The hirer acknowledges that:

  1.2.1 The hirer shall occupy the chalet as a hirer only and that no relationship of landlord and tenant is created between Your Leisure Kent  Limited and the hirer by these Terms and Conditions.

  1.2.2 Your Leisure Kent Limited retains control, possession and management of the chalet and the hirer has no right to exclude Your Leisure Kent Limited from the chalet. Your Leisure Kent Limited reserves the right to enter the chalet at all times during the hire period. 

1.3 The hire is personal to the hirer and the chalet shall only be used by the hirer or persons authorised by the hirer.

1.4 The hirer shall not be permitted to hire the chalet to anyone else for any period.

1.5 The hirer shall not be permitted to transfer or dispose of the chalet to any other person including another hirer.  

1.6 The number of users shall be restricted to a reasonable number as advised by Your Leisure Kent Limited.

1.7 The hirer shall not be permitted to use the chalet for any business or commercial purpose.

1.8 The hirer shall not be permitted to attach any advertisement, signboards, flags, banners, placards, posters, signs or notice boards to the chalet whether permanent or temporary.

1.9 The chalet must be closed one hour after sunset and must not be re-opened before 6am the following morning. No persons are permitted to stay in the chalet overnight. 

1.10 Hirers shall be respectful of Your Leisure Kent Limited’s  staff, other chalet and beach users. The hirer shall not do or permit to be done anything which may or becomes a nuisance (whether actionable or not), annoyance, inconvenience or disturbance to Your Leisure Kent Limited, another hirer or any owner or occupier of neighbouring property. Failure to comply may result in your hiring being terminated without any refund.

1.11 Areas in front of the chalets must be kept clear to maintain a thoroughfare for emergency services and authority vehicles. This space varies based on the chalet location.  However, the maximum space provided in front of the chalet must not exceed 6 feet / 1.8metres. This includes the erection of windbreakers, tables and chairs.

1.12 No persons using the chalet shall play music or any media to the annoyance of other users.

1.13 Smoking including e-cigarettes is prohibited in all chalets.

1.14 Your Leisure Kent Limited will not hold itself liable to persons for any loss or damage to clothing or property left in the chalets. Hirers should consider purchasing their own contents insurance cover.

1.15 Other than a Private Chalet, the hirer is prohibited from making any additions, alterations or fittings to the chalet (including bolts, nails, tacks, screws, adhesives, tape or other fixing devices to the walls or fabric of the chalet. A hirer shall be charged the cost of removal and/or damage.

1.16 The hirer shall leave the chalet in a clean and tidy condition and to remove the hirer’s personal belongings.

1.17 The hirer shall comply with these Terms and Conditions of Hire. Your Leisure Kent Limited reserves the right to refuse any booking or to terminate a hire period without notice if the hirer or their users fail to comply with these Terms & Conditions of Hire and may result in the hirer being asked to vacate the chalet without any refund.

2. Services

2.1 Certain designated Your Leisure Kent Limited chalets may be provided with water, gas bottle and trivet. Due to the nature of these supplies, Your Leisure Kent Limited do not guarantee a continuous service and therefore Your Leisure Kent Limited will not accept any liability for the loss of these supplies. The use of any other gas or stored fuel appliance is strictly prohibited.
IMPORTANT NOTE: When using the provided gas appliance, please leave the door open to allow adequate ventilation. Do not attach other appliances to the gas supply. In the event of a gas leak please notify the Bay Inspector immediately or if unavailable call 03333 660 661. Under no circumstances must you block wall or eave vents. The identified area around the gas trivet must be kept clear. All Gas must be supplied by Your Leisure Kent Limited.

2.2 These Terms and Conditions of Hire cover the hire of the chalet only. Additional services such as toilet, catering and beach cleansing varies bay by bay and as such cannot be guaranteed.

3. Payment and Fees

3.1 With effect from 1 August 2024, all fees (other than the [weekly and daily or upfront pay in full] fees shall be collected by direct debit starting from 15th August 2024.

3.2 Fees shall automatically renew on 1st August each year unless notice of termination is given either by Your Leisure Kent Limited or the hirer as provided for in Clause 8 of these Terms and Conditions of Hire.

3.3 All fees are inclusive of VAT.

3.4 All fees and bookings are non-refundable or non-transferable, to an alternative booking.

3.5 Refunds or credits will not be paid for any events or restrictions which are outside of Your Leisure Kent Limited control, including but not limited to national or local restrictions, pandemic, epidemic, storms, floods, other adverse weather conditions, beach closures, local events and bay maintenance.

3.6 Payment constitutes acceptance of these Terms and Conditions of Hire and therefore agreement to observe the Terms and Conditions of Hire as stated.

3.7 The hirer will be responsible for any loss or damage to Your Leisure Kent Limited property and/or equipment during the hire period.

3.8 Any lost or unreturned keys will incur a £45 charge. 

4. Laws and Restrictions

4.1 All hirers and users should be aware of and abide by Thanet District Council’s bylaws, Public Spaces Protection Order, and Code of Conduct for responsible beach use. These are available from and include details on cycling, barbecues, dogs and recreational activities.

4.2 All rubbish must be moved from the bay and promenade. Failure to do so may result in this being treated as a Fly Tipping offence.

4.3 Thanet’s marine coast is exceptionally good with water clarity promoting superb marine chalk reefs. However, during storm events this can create a heavy accumulation of seaweed on our bays and beaches. Thanet District Council is committed to removing this where allowed and practicable. However, Thanet District Council is unable to remove any deposited on beach chalk reefs due to the protected status and the prevention of mechanical machinery from working on these areas by Natural England.

5. Access

5.1 No hirer vehicle access is to be parked or driven onto the promenades or beaches other than pre-booked access times at the start and end of the season dates.

5.2 Chalet positioning and removal will be coordinated and overseen by Your Leisure Kent Limited using approved specialist contractors.

5.3 Seasonal Private Chalet plot hirers must pre-book an access slot for their hut to be positioned and sited. Outside of this booking time access will be restricted and unavailable. Details on how to book these access periods will be forwarded upon completion of booking and payment. 

6. Additional Terms and Conditions of Hire – Fixed Term Hire (Daily / Weekly / Seasonal)

6.1 Keys can be collected from the bay office from 10am on the first day of hire. Note: for hire at Dumpton, Louisa and Kingsgate the keys must be collected from the bay office at Viking Bay.

6.2 Your booking confirmation should be made available upon request by a member of Your Leisure Kent Limited staff.

6.3 All keys must be returned to the bay office by midday for weekly hires on the last day of hire or 5pm for daily hire. All personal items must be removed from the chalet, any items left will not be retained and will be disposed of.

6.4 Personal locks must not be added to Your Leisure Kent Limited Chalets as this may restrict our access. If access is required any personal locks will be removed and replaced. Your Leisure Kent Limited will not be liable for any damage / loss occurred to the personal lock in this instance and a £20 fee will be charged directly to the hirer.

6.5 For the purpose of access or maintenance, Your Leisure Kent Limited reserves the right to either relocate a chalet on a permanent or temporary basis or provide the hirer with an alternative chalet. Your Leisure Kent Limited shall give the hirer as much notice as reasonably practical in such circumstances. 

7. Additional Terms and Conditions of Hire – Private Chalet Plots (“Private Chalets”)

7.1 Private Chalets are permitted to be constructed of wood or wood composite. Glass is not permitted in the construction of any part of the chalet. All Private Chalets must be constructed as per the approved specification and built-in sections to facilitate removal.

7.2 Private Chalets must be well maintained and presentable in a good and safe condition. Wood, wood treatment and all components must be maintained. All Private Chalets will be subject to regular inspection and if deemed unsuitable the owner shall be asked to make the necessary improvements within a specified time period. Failure to comply with this requirement to improve will result in the hire being terminated and the owner asked to remove the Private Chalet from the plot.

7.3 Any Private Chalet becoming derelict or unmaintained or in any way causing a nuisance or obstruction to the persons using the promenade or beach may be removed by Your Leisure Kent Limited or Thanet District Council. The cost incurred will be recharged to the owner. The Private Chalet and any personal items contained within will be disposed of if not claimed.

7.4 The siting of a Private Chalet prior to the hire period is strictly forbidden and will incur a penalty charge.

7.5 Your Leisure Kent Limited reserves the right to gain access or move the position of a Private Chalet for operational purposes and may place signage or identification on the exterior of any Private Chalet.

7.6 In addition to point 1.13 Your Leisure Kent Limited will not hold itself liable for any damage or loss to any Private Chalets including those which may arise due to fire, storm, theft, vandalism or any other cause whatsoever.

7.7 Private Chalets are placed on the plots at the owners risk and owners should be aware of high tides and winds.

7.8 Further to item 2.1 the use of gas or stored fuel is strictly prohibited in all private chalets. 

8. Termination

8.1 Without prejudice to any other provisions in these terms and conditions of hire, a hire may be terminated as follows:

  8.1.1 By the hirer by serving not less than 30 days written notice to Your Leisure Kent Limited at the following email address

  8.1.2 By Your Leisure Kent Limited by serving written notice to terminate with immediate effect where the hirer is in breach of the terms and conditions of the hire and the breach is irremediable or has not been remedied within 30 days of notice of breach.

  8.1.3 By Your Leisure Kent Limited if the hirer fails to pay any amount due under these Terms and Conditions of Hire on the due date for payment.

  8.1.4 By Your Leisure Kent Limited by serving not less than 3 months written notice by Your Leisure Kent Limited with immediate effect in the event that Your Leisure Kent Limited’s contract with Thanet District Council for the management and operation of the Foreshore is terminated. In those circumstances, Your Leisure Kent Limited will take reasonable steps to ensure a renewal of the hire agreement between Thanet District Council and the hirer.

9. Governing Law

9.1 These Terms and Conditions of Hire and any dispute or claim (including non-contractual disputes or claims) arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales.

10. Jurisdiction

10.1 Each party irrevocably agrees that the Courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim (including non-contractual disputes or claims) arising out of or in connection with these Terms and Conditions of Hire or its subject matter or formation.

Private Chalet Plot – Specifications

There are various types and designs of beach chalets available on the market, our local preferred suppliers are:
Eagle Sheds: 01304 612258 & Quinneys: 01227 712913

  I. Chalets are to be constructed of wood or wood composite.
  II. No glass is to be used in the construction of the chalet.
  III. Permitted size as per plot size limitations.
  IV. Permitted size includes all apex and overhangs.
  V. Chalets must be built in sections to facilitate removal
  VI. Wood must only be treated with a water based treatment and must be kept in a good, safe condition.
  VII. Your Leisure Kent Limited reserves the right to cut any overhanging eaves which extend over the neighbouring plot.