Welcome to the

Your Leisure Sports Foundation Talent Programme

The Your Leisure Sports Foundation is a dedicated programme that recognises and fosters sporting talent by offering discounted access to our facilities. Our Talent Programme is a comprehensive initiative, open to all athletes, including those with disabilities, who meet our defined criteria. To be eligible, applicants must be performing at the county or regional level in any sport recognised by Sport England (excludes school sports), and must live within the district boundaries of our facilities, presently in Dover and Thanet. In exchange for joining the Your Leisure Sports Foundation, successful applicants will be required to act as Your Leisure Sports Ambassadors and be available for events and other promotional activity. 

How we support athletes to fulfil their full potential

The Your Leisure Sports Foundation subscription requires a £25 registration fee (payable with every 6 monthly renewal - renewal is not automatic, candidates must reapply) and includes access to a range of activity areas across our centres including: 

  • Lane Swimming sessions only (excluding open pool, fun splash etc.)
  • Gym sessions (Adult 16+ and Junior Gym 12-15 years)
  • Court access for Tennis, Badminton and Table Tennis singles (courts hire with surcharge)
  • 8-day advanced booking perk for the above activities only (other activities can be booked PAYG)
  • Access is to all Your Leisure Facilities (excluding Discovery Park) for the above activities only where offered - check app

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants must be 12 years and older, reside within facility district boundaries (currently Dover and Thanet), and perform at County or Regional level which can be recognised in any of the following ways (not including school sport)...

1. Part of an official County and/or Regional team or squad
2. Successful in any County or Regional age group competition (top 10 finish) in the last 12 months
3. Ranked within the top 10 on official governing body rankings table (County Level)

National Governing Body verification and confirmation that applicants meet the above criteria must be submitted with the application for membership. The subscription will automatically expire after 6 months. This can be renewed providing the ongoing eligibility criteria is met.

Please note that only sports recognised by Sport England are eligible. Teams competing at County level will not be eligible except where individual players are also part of the County team/squad ( www.sportengland.org/our-work/national-governing-bodies/sports-that-we-recognise/ )

The Sports Foundation subscription includes access to* 

*Please check available activities at each centre against the access criteria, Ex: some pools do not offer Lane Swimming

YL Sports Foundation members 

Connor Neal

Ismae Abomeli

Rosie Pope

Ivy Haggerty

Stuart Perry

Regan Rayner

Harry Thompson

Elliot Hogben

Zachary Ansell

Jake Sackett

Callum Geoghegan

Josh Tallamy

Frederick Squire-Eastwood

Finlay Smith

Brook Mcgregor

Savannah Ellerington

Heidi Powell

Apply today and be your best

Click to complete the online application form

Personal Information & Contact Details

About your sporting achievements

Please note that only sports recognised by Sport England are eligible.
Include the competition name, your placing and date you competed. Max. 500 characters.
National Governing Body verification and confirmation that applicants meet the above criteria must be submitted with the application for membership.
This can be a link to the squad/club page which recognises you as a member and/or a link to the latest scores where you placed in the top 10.
Tell us about yourself, what you love about your sport and the history of your sport. Max. 2000 characters.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files.

Terms and conditions of the Sports Foundation subscription

  1. There should be no disruption to other users and no additional cost incurred by the facility e.g. lighting. Access during normal times only.
  2. Activities must be either prebooked or booked on entry using the Live Better App, GoBook or entry Kiosk.
  3. Facility Access outside of listed benefits will be charged at the standard PAYG rate.
  4. Sports courses and instructor-led classes are excluded.
  5. Subscription is renewable every 6 months provided that the member continues to meet the eligibility criteria.
  6. Sports Foundation members who are injured and require facilities for rehabilitation purposes can retain membership provided that written evidence is supplied by the National Governing Body and/or a medical specialist/consultant.
  7. Members will receive a membership card which must be shown on each visit and check-in on the entry kiosk or access control. If a member loses their membership card they must contact Your Leisure to order a new card. Any card re-issued will be charged at the standard replacement card rate.
  8. As a condition of the discounted subscription, members will make every reasonable effort to attend promotional events as requested by Your Leisure to act as ‘Sports Ambassadors’ for the company and provide updated information on their personal success.
  9. Sports Foundation members agree to provide a suitable photograph and bio comment for Your Leisure to use in association with the promotion of the scheme via printed and social media.
  10. Sports Foundation members must also make reference to the support from Your Leisure in any press relating to their sporting achievements.

Failure to comply with the above or any condition related to the Your Leisure Sport Foundation Talent Programme could result in membership being removed from the scheme.

Juniors aged 12-15 years will need a parent/guardian to agree to the terms and conditions

Terms and conditions of the Sports Foundation subscription

  1. There should be no disruption to other users and no additional cost incurred by the facility e.g. lighting. Access during normal times only.
  2.  Activities must be either prebooked or booked on entry using the Live Better App, GoBook or entry Kiosk.  
  3.  Facility Access outside of listed benefits will be charged at the standard PAYG rate.  
  4. Sports courses and instructor-led classes are excluded.
  5. Subscription is renewable every 6 months provided that the member continues to meet the eligibility criteria.
  6. Sports Foundation members who are injured and require facilities for rehabilitation purposes can retain membership provided that written evidence is supplied by the National Governing Body and/or a medical specialist/consultant.
  7. Members will receive a membership card which must be shown on each visit and check-in on the entry kiosk or access control. If a member loses their membership card they must contact Your Leisure to order a new card. Any card re-issued will be charged at the standard replacement card rate.
  8. As a condition of the discounted subscription, members will make every reasonable effort to attend promotional events as requested by Your Leisure to act as ‘Sports Ambassadors’ for the company and provide updated information on their personal success.
  9. Sports Foundation members agree to provide a suitable photograph and bio comment for Your Leisure to use in association with the promotion of the scheme - print and social media.
  10. Sports Foundation members must also make reference to support from Your Leisure in any press relating to their sporting achievements.

Failure to comply with the above or any condition related to the Your Leisure Sports Foundation Talent Programme could result in membership being revoked and removal from the scheme.