Your Leisure Terms & Conditions

On this page you will be able to read all the Terms & Conditions that cover various aspects of your custom with Your Leisure. Use the drop down toggles to open the T&Cs you require. 

Your Leisure Terms & Conditions (Leisure, Memberships & Activities)

If you continue to browse and use this website you are agreeing to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions of use, which together with our Privacy Policy govern Your Leisure Kent Limited’s relationship with you in connection and your usage of this website. The term “Your Leisure”, “us” or “we” refers to the owner of the website whose registered office is Your Leisure Kent Ltd, Discovery Park, Innovation House, Innovation Way, Sandwich CT13 9FF. Our company registration number is 28889R England. The term “you” refers to the user or viewer of our website. For more information on our policies and procedures please contact us via the ‘Contact Us’ section of this website. Policies and procedures are subject to change without notice and may vary at each centre. While every effort is made to ensure that all the information on this site is up to date and correct, Your Leisure will not be held responsible for any loss, direct or indirect resulting from use of this information.
Online bookings (include gym start up sessions, group exercise class, tennis courts, squash courts, badminton courts, 5-a-side football pitches and other sports hall activities).

Your Leisure Terms & Conditions (Leisure, Memberships & Activities) v3 Nov 2024

Section One: Online Membership Joining Terms & Conditions

1. Acceptance as a Member

Your Leisure Kent Ltd shall include the Manager and any employee or agent of the Company. Your Leisure Kent Ltd shall have absolute discretion upon whether to accept the application for membership of an applicant as a member. If an application for membership is accepted by Your Leisure Kent Ltd, membership by the applicant shall commence upon the date of acceptance. The member will be issued with a temporary membership number. The membership must then be validated in person within 7 days of the online application together with the required verification documentation. Where online membership applications are not validated within 7 days the membership will be terminated. Any advance fees paid will NOT be refundable.

Upon validation, the member shall be issued with a membership card personal to them as an individual and shall be entitled to all of the rights and privileges exercisable by the type of membership for which their admission to the center is gained on presentation of the membership card only. Your Leisure Kent Ltd operates a no card, no entry policy for members. Acceptance by Your Leisure Kent Ltd of an application for membership of the Centre shall constitute a binding contract between Your Leisure Kent Ltd and the member upon the terms and condition of membership and the rules of the Centre.

A Member shall include a person who has applied for membership.

2. Physical Condition of the Member (members health declaration)

The member warrants and represents that they are in good physical condition and that they are capable of engaging in active or passive exercise and that such exercise would not be detrimental to their health, safety, comfort or physical condition. The member is responsible for seeking independent medical advice if required. It is also the responsibility of the member to inform Your Leisure Kent Ltd of any changes in their physical condition that may affect their ability to undertake physical activity.

3. Assignment

Membership of the Centre is personal and cannot be otherwise assigned, transferred. The member shall not loan their membership card or permit it to be used by anyone but the member. If this occurs Your Leisure Kent Ltd reserve the right to terminate the membership without compensation.

4. Memberships

4.1 Every candidate for membership shall be at least 16 years of age, unless applying for Junior Membership and supported by an adult (over 16).

4.2 Evidence to verify the address details of a member MUST be produced prior to a Direct Debit memberships final acceptance by Your Leisure Kent Ltd. Examples of types of evidence expectable are: Utility bill, Bank Card/Statement, Driving License (must show address and name of applicant) or passport.

4.3 Plus1 and Plus1SPA memberships are available to any two people. If payment is being made by instalments then one designated bank/building society account must be used. Please note that the “Lead member” is responsible for both members conduct and usage of the facilities.

4.4 Any outstanding monies identified (owed to Your Leisure Kent Ltd) at the point of validation must be paid in full prior to the membership being activated. No refunds will be given for any upfront payments made.

4.5 Live Better memberships operate on a rolling month-to-month contract. See 6.2 for cancellation policy.

4.6 Corporate memberships are exclusively for registered corporate partners and their employees. Corporate monthly DD memberships are 12-month contracts and not linked to the rolling month-to-month Live Better policy.

5. Membership Subscriptions and Rejoining Fee

5.1 All Direct Debit members shall pay a daily rate which will be calculated from the date of acceptance to the first Direct debit collection.

5.2 Monthly subscriptions shall be payable by each member irrespective of the actual usage of the centre or change in personal circumstances and shall be debited to the member's bank account monthly or paid annually in advance as specified.

5.3 Your Leisure Kent Ltd reserves the right to apply an annual increase to monthly and annual membership subscriptions.

5.4 Subscription increases will be communicated to members no less than 14 days prior to the date of changes and this will be considered as the minimum required notification.

5.5 Upfront memberships are sold at a set price which includes a discount compared to the cost of a 12 month DD membership. We cannot offer any refunds on upfront memberships.

6. Termination/Suspension of Membership/Freezes

6.1 The manager reserves the right to terminate the membership of any member: Without notice and with immediate effect without refund in the event of a member committing a serious or repeated breach of centre rules.

6.2 The member shall only be entitled to cancel within 14 days as per the money back guarantee, after this period the member may cancel by giving 4 weeks written notice as per the rolling monthly contract terms providing one month's initial direct debit has been collected. Upfront memberships cannot be cancelled and must be held for the full term.

6.3 Members have the right to cancel their subscription agreement and receive a refund of all charges paid by giving written notice of cancellation within the first 14 days of signature of this agreement. Your Leisure Kent Ltd reserves the right to amend or cancel the agreement within 14 days of signature. Upfront memberships cannot be cancelled and must be held for the full term.

6.4 For clarity, ALL cancellations of memberships including courses require written confirmation from the account holder. Cancellations cannot be made over the phone.

6.5 Live Better Members on a DD membership can freeze their subscription (not courses) for a maximum period of 3 months in one 12-month cycle. Upfront members can freeze their memberships for a maximum of one month for medical reasons which documented proof will be required. Course members cannot freeze their subscriptions. If the freeze is at the request of the member, the cost of £5 per month will be charged for each month frozen. Contact for more information.

7. Use of Centre Facilities

Certain memberships do not include all of the Centre’s services and facilities; services and facilities not included may be provided at an additional charge at Your Leisure Kent Ltd.’s discretion. Services included will be displayed within each facility and clearly shown on membership literature. Facility access based on Your Leisure Kent Ltd's operations.

8. Rules pertaining to Young Persons (under sixteen years of age)

8.1 Young persons under the age of sixteen years cannot enter or be left in the fitness studio unattended unless attending an organised Centre activity and cannot use the sauna, steam room or spa facilities.

8.2 Young persons under the age of eight must be accompanied by an adult when using facilities and the adult MUST remain on site at all times. For swimming pool admission please refer to our swimming admission policy.

9. Regulations and procedures relating to member services

9.1 Lost property - Items found will be available from Reception at 10.00 am - 6.00 pm and after a short period of time will be donated to a local charity if not claimed. See Centre Lost Property Policy.

9.2 Queries - for any query that cannot be satisfactorily dealt with by the department staff concerned, please ask for the Manager. Alternative comments can be left via our online portal and you will receive a reply with 5 days.

9.3 Online booking - members must adhere to our online terms and conditions related to online privileges which will be displayed clearly at the Centre. Failure to follow and abide by these may result in online privileges being removed from the members membership.

10. Hours of Opening

The center’s normal hours of operation and the hours in which any facility within the Centre are available to members is clearly displayed and can be obtained from the manager upon request. Such hours may be lengthened or shortened at the entire discretion of the manager, with or without any prior notice to members being given. The manager shall however endeavor to give reasonable notice of any lengthening or shortening of such hours. See also Service Standards and Guarantees.

11. General

11.1 Fraudulent or wrongful information given in order to obtain any membership will result in the cancellation of all membership rights and any action deemed necessary by Your Leisure Kent Ltd.

11.2 In the event of any default of the member, Your Leisure Kent Ltd may disclose personal particulars contained in the membership agreement to a credit reference agency or any other party necessary in obtaining settlement of arrears and if necessary court action will be taken to recover the membership fees outstanding.

11.3 If through circumstances beyond the control of Your Leisure Kent Ltd the Centre or facility is unable to provide the full range of services as advertised, the member shall remain liable for all membership fees.

11.4 Membership cards are issued free upon acceptance of the application and remain the property of Your Leisure Kent Ltd. There is a fee of (7.50 GBP) for replacement of lost/damaged cards

11.5 Your Leisure Kent Ltd retains the right to vary, add or change the terms and conditions at their convenience or eliminate any of the services and facilities provided within the Centre from time to time however prior notification will be available from the Centre/email.

12. Bookings

12.1 Bookings include the time that it takes to set-up or take down required equipment.

12.2 All customers should report to reception at least 10 minutes prior to their activity/booking to validate the booking. Validation requires your membership card or booking receipt or printed booking confirmation page. Activity attendees must report to reception to obtain a receipt for their class or activity. Failure to do so will result in your attendance being classified as a “no show”.

12.3 Your Leisure Kent Ltd reserves the right to re-allocate any bookings to other courts or areas within the centre in order to optimise space and court utilisation.

12.4 Equipment such as rackets and balls can be hired for a small fee at reception (members can hire for free). Membership cards can be used as deposit.

12.5 In the circumstances that the centre is unable to open an activity area or maintain services, Your Leisure (Kent) Ltd reserve the right to cancel bookings and in such circumstances, will not be liable for a refund or discount.

12.6 Online booking will close 1 hour prior to the available bookable space or activity and all activity sessions bookings must be cancelled no less than 2 hours prior to the start time. 

12.7 All customers shall be responsible for the payment and any other charges related to the booking. Full payments must be made at the time of booking. All bookings are not refundable or transferable.

12.8 Bookings are open 24 hours a day (subject to availability) and bookings for the next available day open at 12:00am. Booking by non-members can be up to five (5) days in advance. Members can book online in advance as per their membership package privileges. 

12.9 Online/kiosk/phone bookings can be made by both members and non-members, please see additional terms and conditions below that relate specifically to online booking by both members and non-members

13. Members (Additional Terms and Conditions)

13.1 Members can book activities up to eight (8) or fourteen (14) days in advance depending on their advanced booking privileges with a valid membership that has no arrears on the account. A valid membership card (or other access control pass) must used to check-in for all bookings. 

13.2 Your membership can only be used by the named member to book activities for the named member. The member must therefore be present during the activity booked. Please refer to point 3 Assignment with the terms and conditions of membership. Members are remined that any card being used by someone other than the authorised card holder will result in Your Leisure terminating the membership.

13.3 Members can only book one court/space for any one time, however, multiple bookings can be made for different times or days.

13.4 "Broken Promise": If members fail to attend (or fail to check-in correctly for) a pre-booked activity, and have not cancel online (web/app) 2 hours prior to the start time of the activity session booked, in the first instance on a rolling 30-day basis, the member shall receive a warning. Failure to attend or check-in correctly for a second activity session on the same rolling 30-day basis will result in a strike. Failure to attend or check-in correctly for a third activity session on the same rolling 30-day basis will result in a charge of £5.00 being added to a member's account placing it in arrears which will restrict booking and access until the penalty is paid (online/in-centre/phone). The "Broken Promise" penalties are automated and cannot be overridden. 

Health Commitment Statement

Your health is your responsibility. The management and staff of this organisation are dedicated to helping you take every opportunity to enjoy the facilities that we offer. With this in mind, we have carefully considered what we can reasonably expect of each other.

Our commitment to you:

  1. We will respect your personal decisions, and allow you to make your own decisions about what exercise you can carry out. However, we ask you not to exercise beyond what you consider to be your own abilities.
  2. We will make every reasonable effort to make sure that our equipment and facilities are in a safe condition for you to use and enjoy.
  3. We will take all reasonable steps to make sure that our staff are qualified to the fitness industry standards as set out by the Register of Exercise Professionals.
  4. If you tell us that you have a disability which puts you at a substantial disadvantage in accessing our equipment and facilities, we will consider what adjustments, if any, are reasonable for us to make.

Your commitment to us:

  1. You should not exercise beyond your own abilities. If you know or are concerned that you have a medical condition which might interfere with you exercising safely, before you use our equipment and facilities you should get advice from a relevant medical professional and follow that advice.
  2. You should make yourself aware of any rules and instructions, including warning notices, and follow them. Exercise carries its own risks. You should not carry out any activities which you have been told are not suitable for you.
  3. You should let us know immediately if you feel ill when using our equipment or facilities. Our staff members are not qualified doctors, but there will be a person available who has had first-­‐aid training.
  4. If you have a disability, you must follow any reasonable instructions to allow you to exercise safely.

This statement is for guidance only. It is not a legally binding agreement between you and us and does not create any obligations which you or we must meet.

Swimming Pool Admission Guidance

All swimmers (including 0-15 year olds) must have a session booking to enter the pool, either a paid online booking in advance or booked online and paid for on the day in centre (card only) or booking as part of a valid membership. Non-members can book online 5 days in advance, members can book as per their membership subscription advanced online booking perk.

Children under the age of 4 years:

  • must be accompanied in the pool at all times by a responsible adult (over 16 years)
  • ratio of 1 adult to 1 child
  • All swimmers must have a PAID booking or booking as part of a valid membership


  • ratio of 1 Adult to 2 children with the condition that BOTH children under 4 are wearing suitable buoyancy aids.

Buoyancy aids accepted under this policy are those that fully support the child’s weight in the water and remain secure in and out of the water. E.g. Arm Bands and Float suits. Buoyancy aids that are hand-held are not considered appropriate. 

Children under the age of 8 years:

  • must be accompanied in the pool at all times by a responsible adult (over 16 years)
  • ratio of 1 adult to 2 children 
  • All swimmers must have a booking

Children 8 and over:

  • A child over the age of 8 years who can demonstrate a swimming ability can swim unattended. 

Please note:

While in the pool the responsible person must maintain a constant watch over the children for whom they are responsible and be in close contact with those of their children who are weak or non-swimmers.

Lifeguards will request a swim test for children entering deep water if they appear to lack confidence or do not demonstrate water confidence in their swimming ability.  Failure to complete the test will result in restricted usage being applied to the child (i.e. they must stay in the shallow end of the swimming pool). 

All sessions must be booked. All swimmers require a PAID booking including under 3 years. All swimmers must wear appropriate swimwear ex: trunks, costume, etc. no outdoor clothing is permitted. 


Q: "Do you have lockers?"

A: Yes, lockers are available and require 20p

Q: "Can my son who is over 8, swim on his own and can I stay and watch?"

A: As long as your son has the ability to swim unaided, yes he can swim. Sadly though there are no spectator facilities during this time. 

Q: "Do you need to have a booking for a child under the age of 3?"

A: Yes, all swimmers who use the pool require a PAID booking or a booking as part of a valid membership. 

Carers Policy

Who is entitled to have a Carer? Anyone who needs help or support due to illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction, who cannot access our facilities without their carers support. The Carer's Membership is a subscription for care givers that has been created to track attendance, prevent overcrowded space capacity and prevent discrimination. A Carer Entry Subscription is free of charge, allows any booking along with the main person they care for if spaces are available. This subscription is only available to people who can prove they are someone’s carer. They make the same booking- and will only be allowed entry when their person has been booked and entering for their bookings.

The carer needs to join either at centre or by emailing 

Membership cards will then be issued on your 1st visit to a centre and we will require proof that you are entitled to this subscription.

 This proof can be any of the following dated within the last 12 months:

  • Attendance Allowance Letter (AA)
  • Carers’ Allowance Letter of Award
  • Disability Living Allowance Letter (DLA)
  • Carers Card UK

NB: Only Disabled Swim sessions include a joint booking for 1 Service User and 1 Carer to enter the pool under one booking. All other swimming sessions a holder of a carers' membership can accompany the 'cared for' free of charge but these sessions require two individual bookings to admit two people into the pool. Click here for our Carers Policy. 

Beach Hut Terms & Conditions

Your Leisure Kent Limited

Terms and Conditions for the Hire of Chalets located along the Thanet Foreshore (“Terms and Conditions of Hire”)

Version 2 Updated 8 July 2024

1. General

1.1 Your Leisure Kent Limited permits the hirer to occupy the chalets pursuant to these terms and conditions in common with Your Leisure Kent Limited.

1.2 The hirer acknowledges that:

  1.2.1 The hirer shall occupy the chalet as a hirer only and that no relationship of landlord and tenant is created between Your Leisure Kent  Limited and the hirer by these Terms and Conditions.

  1.2.2 Your Leisure Kent Limited retains control, possession and management of the chalet and the hirer has no right to exclude Your Leisure Kent Limited from the chalet. Your Leisure Kent Limited reserves the right to enter the chalet at all times during the hire period. 

1.3 The hire is personal to the hirer and the chalet shall only be used by the hirer or persons authorised by the hirer.

1.4 The hirer shall not be permitted to hire the chalet to anyone else for any period.

1.5 The hirer shall not be permitted to transfer or dispose of the chalet to any other person including another hirer.  

1.6 The number of users shall be restricted to a reasonable number as advised by Your Leisure Kent Limited.

1.7 The hirer shall not be permitted to use the chalet for any business or commercial purpose.

1.8 The hirer shall not be permitted to attach any advertisement, signboards, flags, banners, placards, posters, signs or notice boards to the chalet whether permanent or temporary.

1.9 The chalet must be closed one hour after sunset and must not be re-opened before 6am the following morning. No persons are permitted to stay in the chalet overnight. 

1.10 Hirers shall be respectful of Your Leisure Kent Limited’s  staff, other chalet and beach users. The hirer shall not do or permit to be done anything which may or becomes a nuisance (whether actionable or not), annoyance, inconvenience or disturbance to Your Leisure Kent Limited, another hirer or any owner or occupier of neighbouring property. Failure to comply may result in your hiring being terminated without any refund.

1.11 Areas in front of the chalets must be kept clear to maintain a thoroughfare for emergency services and authority vehicles. This space varies based on the chalet location.  However, the maximum space provided in front of the chalet must not exceed 6 feet / 1.8metres. This includes the erection of windbreakers, tables and chairs.

1.12 No persons using the chalet shall play music or any media to the annoyance of other users.

1.13 Smoking including e-cigarettes is prohibited in all chalets.

1.14 Your Leisure Kent Limited will not hold itself liable to persons for any loss or damage to clothing or property left in the chalets. Hirers should consider purchasing their own contents insurance cover.

1.15 Other than a Private Chalet, the hirer is prohibited from making any additions, alterations or fittings to the chalet (including bolts, nails, tacks, screws, adhesives, tape or other fixing devices to the walls or fabric of the chalet. A hirer shall be charged the cost of removal and/or damage.

1.16 The hirer shall leave the chalet in a clean and tidy condition and to remove the hirer’s personal belongings.

1.17 The hirer shall comply with these Terms and Conditions of Hire. Your Leisure Kent Limited reserves the right to refuse any booking or to terminate a hire period without notice if the hirer or their users fail to comply with these Terms & Conditions of Hire and may result in the hirer being asked to vacate the chalet without any refund.

2. Services

2.1 Certain designated Your Leisure Kent Limited chalets may be provided with water, gas bottle and trivet. Due to the nature of these supplies, Your Leisure Kent Limited do not guarantee a continuous service and therefore Your Leisure Kent Limited will not accept any liability for the loss of these supplies. The use of any other gas or stored fuel appliance is strictly prohibited.
IMPORTANT NOTE: When using the provided gas appliance, please leave the door open to allow adequate ventilation. Do not attach other appliances to the gas supply. In the event of a gas leak please notify the Bay Inspector immediately or if unavailable call 03333 660 661. Under no circumstances must you block wall or eave vents. The identified area around the gas trivet must be kept clear. All Gas must be supplied by Your Leisure Kent Limited.

2.2 These Terms and Conditions of Hire cover the hire of the chalet only. Additional services such as toilet, catering and beach cleansing varies bay by bay and as such cannot be guaranteed.

3. Payment and Fees

3.1 With effect from 1 August 2024, all fees (other than the [weekly and daily or upfront pay in full] fees shall be collected by direct debit starting from 15th August 2024.

3.2 Fees shall automatically renew on 1st August each year unless notice of termination is given either by Your Leisure Kent Limited or the hirer as provided for in Clause 8 of these Terms and Conditions of Hire.

3.3 All fees are inclusive of VAT.

3.4 All fees and bookings are non-refundable or non-transferable, to an alternative booking.

3.5 Refunds or credits will not be paid for any events or restrictions which are outside of Your Leisure Kent Limited control, including but not limited to national or local restrictions, pandemic, epidemic, storms, floods, other adverse weather conditions, beach closures, local events and bay maintenance.

3.6 Payment constitutes acceptance of these Terms and Conditions of Hire and therefore agreement to observe the Terms and Conditions of Hire as stated.

3.7 The hirer will be responsible for any loss or damage to Your Leisure Kent Limited property and/or equipment during the hire period.

3.8 Any lost or unreturned keys will incur a £45 charge. 

4. Laws and Restrictions

4.1 All hirers and users should be aware of and abide by Thanet District Council’s bylaws, Public Spaces Protection Order, and Code of Conduct for responsible beach use. These are available from and include details on cycling, barbecues, dogs and recreational activities.

4.2 All rubbish must be moved from the bay and promenade. Failure to do so may result in this being treated as a Fly Tipping offence.

4.3 Thanet’s marine coast is exceptionally good with water clarity promoting superb marine chalk reefs. However, during storm events this can create a heavy accumulation of seaweed on our bays and beaches. Thanet District Council is committed to removing this where allowed and practicable. However, Thanet District Council is unable to remove any deposited on beach chalk reefs due to the protected status and the prevention of mechanical machinery from working on these areas by Natural England.

5. Access

5.1 No hirer vehicle access is to be parked or driven onto the promenades or beaches other than pre-booked access times at the start and end of the season dates.

5.2 Chalet positioning and removal will be coordinated and overseen by Your Leisure Kent Limited using approved specialist contractors.

5.3 Seasonal Private Chalet plot hirers must pre-book an access slot for their hut to be positioned and sited. Outside of this booking time access will be restricted and unavailable. Details on how to book these access periods will be forwarded upon completion of booking and payment. 

6. Additional Terms and Conditions of Hire – Fixed Term Hire (Daily / Weekly / Seasonal)

6.1 Keys can be collected from the bay office from 10am on the first day of hire. Note: for hire at Dumpton, Louisa and Kingsgate the keys must be collected from the bay office at Viking Bay.

6.2 Your booking confirmation should be made available upon request by a member of Your Leisure Kent Limited staff.

6.3 All keys must be returned to the bay office by midday for weekly hires on the last day of hire or 5pm for daily hire. All personal items must be removed from the chalet, any items left will not be retained and will be disposed of.

6.4 Personal locks must not be added to Your Leisure Kent Limited Chalets as this may restrict our access. If access is required any personal locks will be removed and replaced. Your Leisure Kent Limited will not be liable for any damage / loss occurred to the personal lock in this instance and a £20 fee will be charged directly to the hirer.

6.5 For the purpose of access or maintenance, Your Leisure Kent Limited reserves the right to either relocate a chalet on a permanent or temporary basis or provide the hirer with an alternative chalet. Your Leisure Kent Limited shall give the hirer as much notice as reasonably practical in such circumstances. 

7. Additional Terms and Conditions of Hire – Private Chalet Plots (“Private Chalets”)

7.1 Private Chalets are permitted to be constructed of wood or wood composite. Glass is not permitted in the construction of any part of the chalet. All Private Chalets must be constructed as per the approved specification and built-in sections to facilitate removal.

7.2 Private Chalets must be well maintained and presentable in a good and safe condition. Wood, wood treatment and all components must be maintained. All Private Chalets will be subject to regular inspection and if deemed unsuitable the owner shall be asked to make the necessary improvements within a specified time period. Failure to comply with this requirement to improve will result in the hire being terminated and the owner asked to remove the Private Chalet from the plot.

7.3 Any Private Chalet becoming derelict or unmaintained or in any way causing a nuisance or obstruction to the persons using the promenade or beach may be removed by Your Leisure Kent Limited or Thanet District Council. The cost incurred will be recharged to the owner. The Private Chalet and any personal items contained within will be disposed of if not claimed.

7.4 The siting of a Private Chalet prior to the hire period is strictly forbidden and will incur a penalty charge.

7.5 Your Leisure Kent Limited reserves the right to gain access or move the position of a Private Chalet for operational purposes and may place signage or identification on the exterior of any Private Chalet.

7.6 In addition to point 1.13 Your Leisure Kent Limited will not hold itself liable for any damage or loss to any Private Chalets including those which may arise due to fire, storm, theft, vandalism or any other cause whatsoever.

7.7 Private Chalets are placed on the plots at the owners risk and owners should be aware of high tides and winds.

7.8 Further to item 2.1 the use of gas or stored fuel is strictly prohibited in all private chalets. 

8. Termination

8.1 Without prejudice to any other provisions in these terms and conditions of hire, a hire may be terminated as follows:

  8.1.1 By the hirer by serving not less than 30 days written notice to Your Leisure Kent Limited at the following email address

  8.1.2 By Your Leisure Kent Limited by serving written notice to terminate with immediate effect where the hirer is in breach of the terms and conditions of the hire and the breach is irremediable or has not been remedied within 30 days of notice of breach.

  8.1.3 By Your Leisure Kent Limited if the hirer fails to pay any amount due under these Terms and Conditions of Hire on the due date for payment.

  8.1.4 By Your Leisure Kent Limited by serving not less than 3 months written notice by Your Leisure Kent Limited with immediate effect in the event that Your Leisure Kent Limited’s contract with Thanet District Council for the management and operation of the Foreshore is terminated. In those circumstances, Your Leisure Kent Limited will take reasonable steps to ensure a renewal of the hire agreement between Thanet District Council and the hirer.

9. Governing Law

9.1 These Terms and Conditions of Hire and any dispute or claim (including non-contractual disputes or claims) arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales.

10. Jurisdiction

10.1 Each party irrevocably agrees that the Courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim (including non-contractual disputes or claims) arising out of or in connection with these Terms and Conditions of Hire or its subject matter or formation.

Private Chalet Plot – Specifications

There are various types and designs of beach chalets available on the market, our local preferred suppliers are:
Eagle Sheds: 01304 612258 & Quinneys: 01227 712913

  I. Chalets are to be constructed of wood or wood composite.
  II. No glass is to be used in the construction of the chalet.
  III. Permitted size as per plot size limitations.
  IV. Permitted size includes all apex and overhangs.
  V. Chalets must be built in sections to facilitate removal
  VI. Wood must only be treated with a water based treatment and must be kept in a good, safe condition.
  VII. Your Leisure Kent Limited reserves the right to cut any overhanging eaves which extend over the neighbouring plot.

Your Spa Terms & Conditions

Your Spa Terms & Conditions v3 July 2023

  • If you are currently pregnant, have any allergens or any medical conditions then please let us know in advance.
  • You are unable to use our Thermal Spa facilities throughout pregnancy.
  • During early pregnancy you are able to enjoy a basic facial, manicure or pedicure. Don't be tempted not to inform us of your pregnancy as there are certain essential oils that would need to be avoided. During your second trimester (after 12 weeks) you can relax and de-stress with a massage.
  • A robe, towel and flip-flops will be provided upon arrival for Spa Package bookings only.
  • A Patch Test is required at least 48hrs prior to your first Eyebrow/Eyelash Tint or Eyelash treatment at Your Spa. Please contact us via email - to book your patch test. Please be advised that if you arrive for your booking and you have not received a patch test, your appointment will be cancelled.
  • We have a strict age limit of 16yrs for our Thermal Spa experience with adult supervision at all times. Our age limit for massage treatments is 18yrs however we offer a range of teen treatments.
  • Please be advised that our treatment tables carry a maximum weight of 150kg.
  • Specific standalone special offers cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or discounts.
  • In order to allow customers the ultimate relaxing experience at Your Spa and to ensure safety for all, we politely request that no children (14yrs and under) accompany parents to appointments unless booked for a teen treatment
  • 48-hour cancellation policy – We respectfully request at least 48 hours’ notice for cancellation of appointment upon which a full refund is issued or the appointment rescheduled. A 50% deposit is required for all bookings, and payment is taken at the time of booking. A cancellation fee (50% cost of booking) will apply if you fail to give at least 48 hours cancellation notice if you are unable to attend your appointment.
  • Your Spa gift vouchers are valid for 6 months from the date of purchase (unless otherwise stated in promotional terms and conditions). Bookings must take place prior to the date of expiry stated on the voucher. Gift vouchers cannot be extended or exchanged.