Inspired by the BBC’s Blue Planet 2, the Indoor Leisure Manager at Your Leisure, Gavid Vickers, set out on a mission to purge ‘single-use’ plastics from its centres, replacing the plastic items with compostable alternatives. Several months into the project, over 12,000 plastic straws have been eliminated from its catering operation in a bid to lessen its impact on the environment, and the company is well on its way to also removing over 100,000 other single-use pieces of plastic.

Gavid Vickers, Indoor Leisure Manager, who founded the project stated: “Blue Planet 2 was a catalyst for change. Following the airing of the Plastic Pollution episode, I set out to remove all single-use plastics from the leisure operation; with plastic straws being the first to be banned across the sites. As a business, we have a ‘do it now’ ethos, not waiting any longer to make the changes needed today.”

However, the anti-plastic project didn’t stop there. Gavid used the straws as an initial step to launch a company-wide environmental mission ‘to zero’ throughout its leisure operations.

Warren Reeves, Your Leisure Operations Manager, said, “After Gavid’s successful purge on plastic straws, it was important for the business to get behind his charge and assess its impact on the environment. Buoyed by the positive feedback from our members and local communities, Gavid is now leading the way and has expanded the scope of the project to remove a target of 100,000 items of single-use plastic products from the operation and replace them with sustainable and environmentally friendly alternatives. The company provides leisure services in multiple sea-side towns, so it’s vital we do our best to protect the coast for future generations and wildlife.”

Going forward, Your Leisure’s focus is not only looking in at itself to improve its environmental footprint but also placing a focus on education. The Kent-based Leisure operator hopes to lead the way; educating staff and members of the local community on how to reduce their ecological footprint while enjoying life and having fun.



‘Single-Use Plastic Elimination’ Project a Success

Inspired by the BBC’s Blue Planet 2, the Indoor Leisure Manager at Your Leisure, Gavid Vickers, set out on a mission to purge ‘single-use’ plastics from its centres, replacing the plastic items with compostable alternatives. Several months into the project, over 12,000 plastic straws have been eliminated from its catering operation in a bid to

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